Forgotten Plants: Lovage (Plus A Lovage Lemon Chicken Recipe) (2024)

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Forgotten Plants: Lovage (Plus A Lovage Lemon Chicken Recipe) (2)

Forgotten Plants: once prolific in the kitchen gardens of our ancestors but now so rare that the average person might never even have heard of them. Many of these deserve to find space in our gardens again! This is the second post in ourForgotten Plants series. (First up was lovage.)

Borage History

Borage, like so many of my favorite herbs, is native to the Mediterranean region. Historically grown for both food and medicine, it has been recorded that Ancient Greek soldiers would drink a mix of Borage tea and wine to fortify themselves before battle.

What It’s Like and How to Grow It

Borage is a sturdy plant with thick, hairy, prickly, leaves and pretty star-shaped purple flowers. It grows about 2 to 3 feet tall and does well in both sun and part-shade in zones 2 – 12. I found it incredibly easy to grow from seed, and once planted, you will never have to buy seeds again because Borage is a generously self-seeding annual. Seeds can be directly sown into the garden in the spring.

The Benefits of Borage

There are many reasons why Borage deserves a spot in our gardens.

To begin, Borage attracts bees, and the more bees around to pollinate, the better. If you happen to keep bees I have also read that Borage creates a beautifully tasting honey! Borage also makes a wonderful companion plant for tomatoes by repelling the tomato hornworm.

Forgotten Plants: Lovage (Plus A Lovage Lemon Chicken Recipe) (3)

Borage leaves and flowers have a mild cucumber flavor, and both are delicious in salads. Young leaves are best for eating raw, whereas older leaves can be cooked and served as you would any green leafy vegetable. I have also been known to add a few leaves into my green smoothies!

Years ago women would also candy the borage flowers or make borage syrup. Even without candying, the flowers look pretty decorating a cake or dessert, or frozen into ice cubes for a pretty summer drink. Some cooks have become very creative with borage by incorporating it into soups, sauces, pestos and pasta filling.

Although sources differ on the medicinal uses of borage, all agree it is high in nutrients (calcium, potassium, and iron to name just a few), as well as a good source of the essential fatty acid GLA. Fever reduction, relief from skin complaints, and help with breast-milk and reproductive health, are some of the other uses mentioned for this hardy plant.

So perhaps now you will understand why I am always happy to see this plant popping up all over my garden! And if your summer has been as hot as ours has been, you might enjoy a recipe for a cold, Borage-infused, lemonade.

Forgotten Plants: Lovage (Plus A Lovage Lemon Chicken Recipe) (4)

Forgotten Plants: Lovage (Plus A Lovage Lemon Chicken Recipe) (5)

4.3 from 20 votes


Borage Lemonade

Delicious on a hot day! Serves 4.


Author Andrea Sabean


  • 3 or 4youngBorage leaves
  • 1/4cuplemon juice juice of 1 lemon
  • 2cupspure water cold
  • raw honeyto taste
  • 4Borage flowersto garnish


  1. Put the leaves, juice, water and honey in a blender and blend until smooth.

  2. Strain into glasses and garnish with Borage flowers.

  3. Enjoy!

Recipe Notes

For more creative culinary ideas check out the original recipe, and other interesting Borage recipes, here.

Do you grow Borage in your garden? What are your favorite ways to use this wonderful plant?

...without giving up the foods you love or spending all day in the kitchen!

Forgotten Plants: Lovage (Plus A Lovage Lemon Chicken Recipe) (6)

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Forgotten Plants: Lovage (Plus A Lovage Lemon Chicken Recipe) (7)

About Andrea Sabean

Andrea is an artisan and teacher trying to live a handmade and homemade lifestyle with her husband in Eastern Canada. She is passionate about growing her own food, cooking healthy meals, using herbs for healing, nurturing creativity, and finding joy and blessings in the every-day moments of life. She writes about all of this, plus her adventures in sewing and crafting and bringing children’s drawings to life at Artisan in the Woods.

Reader Interactions


  1. Forgotten Plants: Lovage (Plus A Lovage Lemon Chicken Recipe) (8)Jenny Cazzola says

    I put some in this year. It was my second time to try it. I started it from seed and planted the seeds the same time I put in my tomato transplants; putting the borage in between the tomatoes. That was something of a mistake because the tomatoes were mature before my borage was and we still had a problem with tomato hornworms. Next year, I’ll set out transplants if I decide to use them as companion plants.

    They are doing fine now, and blooming beautifully. I found that when it got well above 95, they weren’t terribly happy but a thick layer of hay for mulch has solved that problem.

    Very pretty plants. I love the color progression of the blue flowers. They are definitely a keeper. I look forward to trying your lemonade.


    • Forgotten Plants: Lovage (Plus A Lovage Lemon Chicken Recipe) (9)Andrea Sabean says

      Borage re-seeds itself, so you might find that next year you have Borage already growing before you put your tomato transplants in. I know mine is already flowering long before my tomatoes start to appear – but then again it sounds like we are in very different climates. I love the blue flowers too! 🙂


      • Forgotten Plants: Lovage (Plus A Lovage Lemon Chicken Recipe) (10)Wendy says

        I thought I read somewhere that chickens love to eat borage. Do know if that’s true?


        • Forgotten Plants: Lovage (Plus A Lovage Lemon Chicken Recipe) (11)Andrea Sabean says

          I don’t have chickens myself, but Polly mentions below that her chickens ate every single one of her Borage plants, so it seems that it’s true!


  2. Forgotten Plants: Lovage (Plus A Lovage Lemon Chicken Recipe) (12)Rachel Johnson says

    What a thrill! I was just admiring my naturalized Borage throughout my garden and trying to remember what all I could do with it! Thanks!


    • Forgotten Plants: Lovage (Plus A Lovage Lemon Chicken Recipe) (13)Andrea Sabean says

      I’m so glad I was able to give you some ideas! Enjoy!


  3. Forgotten Plants: Lovage (Plus A Lovage Lemon Chicken Recipe) (14)Jennifer Cote says

    Andrea, thanks for the inspiration. The borage can start growing like weeds… then it’s easy to take it for granted. But I too, like to see it flourishing in the garden. One fine feature: it’s great in the compost pile. The older plants have hollow stems, which help aerate the pile.
    And when I’m feeling patient enough to pick them, I’ll grab a few flowers to decorate salads.
    But now that I’ve seen how pretty your Borage Lemonade looks, I’m encouraged to blend the leaves into some lemonade. Looks so good!


    • Forgotten Plants: Lovage (Plus A Lovage Lemon Chicken Recipe) (15)Andrea Sabean says

      I never thought about plants that might be good for the compost, too! Just another reason to love Borage!


  4. Forgotten Plants: Lovage (Plus A Lovage Lemon Chicken Recipe) (16)Mae says

    You know, borage is the original garnish in a Pimm’s Cup, not cucumber! In addition to all the wonderful suggestions you’ve shared, I also use the leaves to muddle along with some mint in my homebrew kombucha. A little ice, sometimes some raw honey… perfect midday mocktail!


    • Forgotten Plants: Lovage (Plus A Lovage Lemon Chicken Recipe) (17)Andrea Sabean says

      I must admit I had to look up “Pimm’s Cup” but that is an interesting piece of history. I find it fascinating how plants fall in and out of fashion over the years. And your mocktail sounds delicious!


  5. Forgotten Plants: Lovage (Plus A Lovage Lemon Chicken Recipe) (18)Polly says

    A couple of years ago I planted a few borage seedlings in my garden. They did amazingly and self-seeded everywhere; I loved them, and the bees loved them. Then I got chickens, and discovered they love borage too… to the point that every borage seedling which pokes its head about the soil seems to disappear almost at once! This year I might need to plant some in my vege beds, which are safely fenced.


    • Forgotten Plants: Lovage (Plus A Lovage Lemon Chicken Recipe) (19)Andrea Sabean says

      It’s too bad you can’t teach chickens to share! 🙂 Luckily borage grows well among vegetables too!


  6. Forgotten Plants: Lovage (Plus A Lovage Lemon Chicken Recipe) (20)Wanda Atkins says

    I was given a start years ago by my mother-in-law and she called it comfrey. Are these two different herbs or just closely resemble each other? Looking forward to trying the lemonade!



    • Forgotten Plants: Lovage (Plus A Lovage Lemon Chicken Recipe) (21)Andrea Sabean says

      Comfrey is a different plant in the same family. There are some similarities in that they have broad green leaves and both plants tend to be prickly, Comfrey has bell-shaped flowers of a purplish hue, and Borage has star-shaped flowers that are more bluish in colour. It is important to know the difference, as Borage is completely edible, but Comfrey is toxic to the liver and should never be eaten!


  7. Forgotten Plants: Lovage (Plus A Lovage Lemon Chicken Recipe) (22)Evelyn says

    Our local Botanical Gardens had Borage marked as chicory. I laughed to myself when I saw the sign and thought how far we’ve come when even gardening experts don’t know the difference between common weeds that at one time were well known and commonly used for many things. Much less that now so many people have no idea how to use them! Great info on how they repel the tomato hornworms! Excited to put that into practice! 🙂


  8. Forgotten Plants: Lovage (Plus A Lovage Lemon Chicken Recipe) (23)kimbra wohlfarth says

    It’s dangerous to mislabel plants for sale!Someone might ingest and have very bad reactions. Please notify a person in charge to correct their mistake immediately! Any herb/ plant can be misused especially when mislabeled. Borage, for one, has strong properties that can cause immediate and dramatic personality changes. All have warnings and some can be life threatening. Just so you know. Happy gardening!


  9. Forgotten Plants: Lovage (Plus A Lovage Lemon Chicken Recipe) (24)Mel says

    Comfrey has a long history of culinary use with both humans and animals and has been much maligned. In the seventies it was the mainstay of vegetarians as an edible protein and available at the greengrocers. It has been eaten by humans for centuries. It has also been put forward as an anti cancer food. The 2 studies which show damage to the liver in rats were fed gigantic quantities of comfrey alone, not part of a normal diet and a standard diet shows no ill effects, but actually beneficial effects.


  10. Forgotten Plants: Lovage (Plus A Lovage Lemon Chicken Recipe) (25)Debra Mathae says

    I just love perusing my garden popping borage blossoms in my mouth, yum. Great in salads.


  11. Forgotten Plants: Lovage (Plus A Lovage Lemon Chicken Recipe) (26)Susannah says

    I’ve been a fan of borage for years, glad to see you’re helping spread the word about its charm! My daughter’s birthday cakes are always decorated with the end of season flowers, and I love just putting a few leaves in my water bottle. Glad to have all these other ideas for how to use this delightful plant. Thanks!


  12. Forgotten Plants: Lovage (Plus A Lovage Lemon Chicken Recipe) (27)Rebecca says

    I am so happy to have stumbled across this! I just bought borage seeds to attract bees and eat their flowers while I walk through the garden. I had no idea other parts of the plant were edible. I am excited to go do some more research on this little plant ??


  13. Forgotten Plants: Lovage (Plus A Lovage Lemon Chicken Recipe) (28)ayesha shaikh says

    I ordered borage oil after reading the benefits but by ingesting 2 dosages I had chest burning and my feet burned a lot at night. I stopped for one week and took it again and the same thing happened. Any suggestions?


    • Forgotten Plants: Lovage (Plus A Lovage Lemon Chicken Recipe) (29)Danielle says

      Hi, Ayesha.

      I’m sorry to hear this. I recommend reaching out to your natural health care professional for advice.

      ~Danielle, TCS Customer Success Team


  14. Forgotten Plants: Lovage (Plus A Lovage Lemon Chicken Recipe) (30)Elhovo says

    garden knee deep in borage and wild garlic every May – haven’t the heart to cut it down looks so pretty and both are great for cooking. Borage works for the bees and gives me tea as well


  15. Forgotten Plants: Lovage (Plus A Lovage Lemon Chicken Recipe) (31)Michelle P =) says

    Hi Andrea! I am so excited to try borage lemonade!
    I decided to grow it this year in my garden for the first time; it has been such a pleasure to grow. It is easy to grow, and it attracts hummingbirds to my garden. This evening I made borage tea with fresh leaves, and also added some leaves into my supper. I enjoyed the taste, it’s like a mild cucumber with a hint of natural sweetness. I’m surprised that this plant isn’t more popular in grocery stores ect.??


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Forgotten Plants: Lovage (Plus A Lovage Lemon Chicken Recipe) (2024)


What does lovage pair with? ›

Also known as sea parsley, the leaves and stem of the lovage plant add an intense celery-like flavour to soups, stews and stocks or pork and poultry dishes. It can also be used to enhance the flavour of potato dishes. Potatoes love lovage: this celery-like garden herb is a match made in heaven with new potatoes.

What can I do with lots of lovage? ›

Add leaves to a mix of salad greens or let wilt in soups and stocks. Chop and use in place of parsley in chicken and tuna salad or a batch of fresh tomato salsa. Puree leaves and stalks into a morning smoothie (or Bloody Mary). Add celery seeds to marinades, soups, creamy dips, chili and potato salad.

Can you preserve lovage? ›

Herbs with high water content, such as basil, lovage, mint, lemon balm, and tarragon can also be frozen. Freezing preserves herbs in a bright green state and makes them available for adding to soups and stews in winter.

What Flavour is lovage? ›

What Does Lovage Taste Like? Imagine a combination of celery with a bit of parsley...but on steroids. This is not a shy herb by any stretch. In addition to the predominant celery bite, lovage also offers a bit of a citrusy zing.

How to use lovage in cooking? ›

Cooking & Growing with Herbs :: LOVAGE

That pop of flavor can be used to perk up vegetable stocks, enliven a bowl of steaming shellfish or fortify salads. Traunfeld often uses lovage as a finishing herb, or chopped fine and added to soups, although he says a little goes a long way.

What is the common name for lovage? ›

Other Common Names Include:

Love parsley, sea parsley, lavose, smallage. Close Relatives: Carrots, Dill, Coriander, Celery, Parsley, Angelica and Fennel.

Can you eat lovage leaves raw? ›

Edible from top to toe, its leaves are perfect as herbs, its roots are eaten as a veggie, and the seeds become a fantastic spice. Bright, fresh, and a tad bit citrusy, lovage makes a great seasoning, is great for stalks, can be used in soups, or can also be eaten raw in salads.

Can you eat the stems of lovage? ›

Lovage is versatile in the kitchen, as every part of this plant is edible. In fresh meals, lovage can be added to almost any dish that celery or parsley would be used in. Many will find the flavour strong & that only a little will be needed; bear in mind that the leaves taste milder than the stems.

Does lovage repel bugs? ›

Lovage flowers attract small parasitic wasps. These wasps lay their eggs inside other bugs - when the egg hatches, the larva eats its way out through its host. It is because of this, having flowering lovage in your garden is actually good for deterring pests that might bother other plants.

Can I freeze lovage? ›

Lovage does not dry well and the leaves are best stored by freezing. Harvest the leaves, rinse with cold water and shake dry. Bunches of leaves can be frozen individually in plastic bags. Another way to freeze herbs is to fill ice cube trays with the chopped leaves, cover with a little water, then freeze.

Does lovage come back every year? ›

Lovage plants are perennial, dying down in late autumn then re-sprouting from the base every spring. As well as being an impressive plant, lovage offers several different harvests.

Should you let a lovage flower? ›

The more you harvest lovage leaves the more it will produce, but at some point, the plant will want to flower. Cut back all the flowering stems once you have collected the seeds and the second flush of new leaves will appear in a few weeks.

What cuisine uses lovage? ›

According to Georgieva (2023), lovage leaves are used as a seasoning, especially in seafood recipes from the Mediterranean region (see also David, 1955), and in meat dishes from Middle Eastern cuisine.

Is lovage a stimulant? ›

As a medicinal plant, lovage has been used as a digestive, carminative, diaphoretic, diuretic, emmenagogue, anti-dyspeptic, expectorant, stimulant and stomachic; and also as a treatment for jaundice.

Can you drink lovage? ›

Like pretty much every herb you can mention, down through the centuries a monk here or a quack there has used it in some elixir or other. But when it comes to boozy concoctions it has a particularly rich lineage, with its crowning glory the traditional British cordial known as "lovage cordial."

What herbs grow well with lovage? ›

  • Catherine's Favorite (Most Used) Herbs: Borage (edible flowers), Calendula (edible flowers), Mint, Oregano, Parsley, Chives, Lemon verbena, Cilantro, Thyme, and Basil. ...
  • Nina Bramhall.
  • Roxanne's Top Herbs: Parsley, Lavender, Oregano, Tarragon, Bay leaf, Rosemary, Cilantro, Winter savory, Marjoram, and Lemongrass.
Mar 1, 2017

What blends well with lovage essential oil? ›

It is classed as a top-middle note and blends well with citrus, floral, spicy and woodsy oils. Lovage leaf essential oil benefits and uses include relieving amenorrhea, congestion, muscle pains, circulatory issues and muscle spasms.

Can you plant lovage with tomatoes? ›

Lovage serves as a trap crop as it lures the pest away from your tomato plants. Lovage improves the flavor and vigor of most plants and offers a good habitat for ground beetles.

Where is the best place to plant lovage? ›

Choose a planting site in light shade for preference, although lovage will also be fine in full sun. Most soils are suitable, but lovage grows best in rich soil that receives regular rainfall but doesn't get waterlogged, so dig a bucket or two of garden compost or well-rotted manure into the planting area.


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